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Heat & 8/9 month old lab

20 9:46:49

Our 8/9 month old lab is in her first heat. We had heard that it was dangerous for the female dog if she were to get pregnant during that first this true? Unfortunatly she was "gotten to" and we are worried about her health and safety. If she is pregnant could she be hurt?  

Hello, yes it is very bad to breed a dog at its first cycle its like a person having a baby at 13 or 14 they are phisicly developed and don't have the mental state to feed and care for the baby in the case of the dog puppies. Ahe is likely pregnant because it only takes one mating to 'click' so to speak. You have to worry about her not feeding the puppies and you needing to handfed around the clock and handfeedding formual isnt cheap ither, you'll need to be sure she isnt over exercsied at this time labs are notiruis for having bad joints and being pregnant at this age can put pressuar on teh joints and cause problems letter in life. The best thing to do is wait a week or two and take her to your locle vet for an ultra soud they will be able to tell you if the dog is pregnant and if so possibly how many puppies as well. if she is pregnant its best to try find hoems now for the puppies esspesilly if they are going to be cross breeds.