Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Fearfulness


20 9:47:11

Thanks for the answer! I walked into the back room today, and found an empty mini bag of reese's pieces that he had found in a back pack.I let him out this afternoon and it's obvious that he wasn't able to digest them- I believe they are all out ;-) He was a lot better this afternoon.

Followup To

Question -
Hi  Labman,
I have a question about my 1 year old lab and would really appreciate any answer that you may have!
I had the dog at the dog park all morning yesterday and he played as usual. When I got him home, he slept for an hour and then walked over to the corner of the room with his tail between his legs, lowered his head with his ears back, and ran away from me every time I came near him. I took him to the vet thinking he was hurt since he displays this behavior when he is hurting, but they found nothing physically wrong.
This morning when I reached down to give him some of his food with my hand, he ran from me again. He is acting like he is fearful of me, but I have never laid a hand on him.
The only thing I can think of it that he got stung by a bee again(this happened last weekend), but maybe you may have any idea of why he is acting this way?
Thank you so much,


Answer -
Keep an eye on him, and post back in a day or 2 with any new information.  Is there any chance he is seeing you stressed over something else, and thinking he is to blame?  You haven't tried a new perfume have you?  Other than that, the bee sting may be as good of an idea as any.

Glad to hear he is better.  Be very careful of letting him get into chocolate.  What he had shouldn't be enough for a single dose to hurt a big boy like him.  However, it is cumulative.  Too many small doses, and he suddenly get very sick and maybe dies.  If you ever catch him eating chocolate again, give him a tablespoon of peroxide.  Some dogs will even lap it down.  Brings what they shouldn't have eaten back up.  Then call the vet.