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early heat cycle

20 9:39:05

hi sameer,
we have a lovely yellow lab..she'll b 2 yrs old in july.she's a very healthy girl, gets daily exercise and eats well. she has had 3 cycles till now starting on march last year.those cycles were v regular, in the sense she started bleeding on almost d exact dates at 6 monthly intervals. but suddenly she started her cycle today and its only 3 months since her last cycle. i am worried. she however is fine, playful n eating well, eager for her outings as ever.
i am a doc(human!!)so m all d more worried bout d possibilities.
please can u tell me if this is normal in labs? i would like to do some homework bfr taking her for d tests.

hope i'll hear from u soon...bye

Hi Geet,

I agree with you - 3 months is short for her cycles to begin.

However, I have seen this in the past with another bitch. One cycle went astray - but then she got back on track.

I think to be on the safe side - you can get the tests done.
