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invisible fence and puppies

20 9:48:00

I have a 4 mo. old Lab puppy.  We have an invisible fence already with our 2 other dogs.  I don't know at what age to start training my puppy to the fence.  The fence guy said at 12 wks. and my breeder said to wait until she was 6 mos. old.

Hello Judi and thank you for your question,

I have never used an invisable fence but know how it works so lets go from there, It shocks the dog when they walk over the line mark... correct? If so I reccomend waiting till six months just because he may not catch so quickly at this age that it hurts him when he walks over so he may keep doing it and injure himself or something, But since I'm quite unsure don't quote me on this but if it were my puppy I would wait until he was six months old to do this.

Sorry I couldnt be of more help.