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discipline and training

20 9:49:41

i have a young, neutered,male black lab approx. 2 yrs. old.  i just adopted him from another source. i also have a 6 year old male neutered black lab. who behaves great. the young dog (i have had him 9 days) wants to follow me as i leave in my truck.  i live in the country and my driveway is 100-125 yds. long. the dog is still in the chewing stage but should get over that hopefully.   what type of training should i attempt to prevent him from following the vehicles?  i have been swatting with a small plastic flyswat and trying praise when he conforms and scolding when he fails.

Hi Kelly! To prevent him from following vehicles the best thing to do is simply when he goes near one or barks after one yell at him and tell him very strictly "no!" Eventually I'm more than sure that he will stop having this habit and also as he grows older it will disappear but just for safety, in case anything happens put up a fence or a gate! Other then that whenever a car passes by and he doesn't do anything why not praise him the first couple of times and then he would be perfectly trained. Hope this helps and don't forget to keep me updated on how the things go! Goodluck.