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Lab Puppy/Cocker Friends?

20 9:45:49

We have a 5 year old female spayed black cocker and recently adopted an 8 week old female black lab.  The lab of course is very clumsy and just wants to playand is in the cockers face/back etc every chance she gets.  The cocker growls at the lab and bites at her agressively constantly.  The cocker is not otherwise agressive with us and we have had her since puppyhood and have taken her to obedience class.  I hate to scold the cocker for being a stinker,or cranky lady. I do not leave them together while we are gone...any suggestions in helping them adapt to one another?

At 5 years old, the Cocker is past where many dogs are interested in puppy biting games. We have a 13 year old Lab.  Since she came to live with us 3 years ago, we have presented her with 4 new puppies.  Tonight we have two 7 week old visitors.  She wants nothing to do with any of them.  We support her.  When a puppy goes for her, we give it a sharp ''Ut, ut, ut!'' and offer it a toy just as we would if it was attacking a sofa pillow.