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Introducing my 3week Lab Mix

20 9:41:34

I have just adopted last saturday a 3 week old female Labrador mix, i named her Nala, and at the same time i have a 2yr old Japanese Spitz, named Turbo. Here's my problem Turbo is quite aggressive, when he sees Nala he goes berserk. how can i introduce them to each other? please help me thanks in advance

Hello, You must have someone hold your older dog and you bring in the puppy make sure the other person has a good hold on your dog (a short leash works well) and when your dog starts acting up look him in the eye and tell him stop or be good and don't you dare hurt her with a distinct tone in your voice work nicely....put the puppy down let her walk around the older dog is still being held back at this time...when she goes to see him and if he keeps going nuts go over pet him and ept her show there both loved and he must accept the new puppy, if he is just crazy get a muzzel for the first few times and keep the dogs seperated until they are used to each other...if he calms down let go of the leash...if he trys anything yell No at him don't hurt her and take him to a time out ie his crate or another closed room for 5 minutes...eventully you'll get it to work, don't give up.