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Enquiring bout 25 days old Labrador Retriever Puppy.

20 9:45:36

I am from India and I have a 25 day old puppy. I feed him Royal Canin. He sleeps for most of the time. He does not even get up for his feed though when he is woken up and given his feed, he laps it up hugrily. But within 10  minutes, goes off to sleep again. Is this normal for a puppy of this age?


Hello a 25 days old puppy shuld still be with his motherand will now experiance behaviers problems later in life because he was weaned 3 to 4 weeks early he should have been brought home at 45/60 days old 25 days is too young. This explians why he is so sleepy he is still just a baby, in a few weeks he will be awake more offen.