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My Labrador retriever is bitten by a street dog

20 9:49:06

No, I was walking him on a leash, and then suddenly 3 stray dogs attacked us. It was 6 o clock in the morning.

The vet has put an injection, and a pain killer medicine as well. Even then, his violence seems not to subside. He has become extremely aggressive, while he was extremely docile before.

Possibly, it is because of the shock as well.

The worst thing is: he is not letting us inspect the wound. If we try to inspect, then he is biting.

Followup To
Question -
My Labrador retriever [18 months and male] is bitten by a street dog in his neck. The incident happened at 6 am in the morning.

We called our vet, and he administered an injection at 10:30 am.

After the dog-biting incident, he has become extremely violent. Previously, he was mild and freindly, but now he is aggresive. He tried to bite the family members even.

If this persists, then it would be dangerous for my family.

Why is this sudden change in behaviour? Do you think there is a possibility of some infection.

Answer -
The bite is painful.  He may be lashing out because it hurts to move.  It may be best to allow him to rest in peace as much as possible.  The vet can stop bacterial infections with antibiotics, but can do little about viral ones except treat symptoms.  Stay in touch with the vet.

I hope you have contacted the owner or animal control.  I have no sympathy with dog owners that would let a dog like that run loose.  I am down on letting dogs run loose in general.  

My comments on dogs running loose were meant for the owners, if any, of the dogs that attack yours.  Certainly you should be able to walk your dog without being attack by loose dogs.  

I don't like the aggressiveness of your dog now.  I don't have much help for you, except to work with the vet.  Likely he gave your dog what works well most of the time.  Since you are having problems, he may give the dog more pain killer or sedatives.  Do not give your dog any of the newer over the counter pain remedies like Tylenol, they are toxic to dogs.