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Should my dog have already had puppies?

20 9:47:04

My black lab went into heat around July 8th and we bread her on July 15 & 16.  By my calculations she has been pregnant longer than 63 days and still no puppies. Her tits are very swollen and sagging and she looks large in her rib cage, but not so much in the stomach area. However, she is a very active dog.  Should I be concerned that she hasn't had puppies yet? She has been very loving and won't leave your side. Thanks so much for your help!!!  

Hello Krista and thank you for your questions,

It is possible she isnt pregnant....the rib cage area being large can just mean just packign on a few extra pounds, hte belly area is where it should be swollen if she is pregnant...not every breeding takes. The teats swell during heat and labs teats were hanging down and large nipples before I spayed her...she was in heat at that time. The best thing you can do for your dog is take her to your vet for an ultrasound to be sure everythings ok if she Is pregnant.