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puppies are 3 days old; mom acting wierd

20 9:45:59

Our 6 year old lab had puppies Sunday, this morning, Wednesday, she was picking the puppies up and putting them all over the place, didn't seem to be able to either want them or feed them.  She isn't eating either.  She's been fine these past few days, should I just leave her alone and let her do her thing?  We didn't even realize she was pregnant until 1 week before pups came.  thanks

Hello 6 is too old to have puppies a bitch should be spayed if she isnt ment to be bred a large breed dog should be retired from breeding at 4 years of age so do her a big favor and have her spayed after the ltiter is weaned. If shes not acting herself grab the little put them in a carrier and grab her and off to the vets you go...short on money? some vets like mine having seen my dogs so many times will take half the payment and half in two payday...shes very flexible this way also there is carecredit avalible via vets offices that can help with larger expensies such sa if the mother has an infetion and needs antiboicts and the puppies do too, it can pay for this like a credit card. Also at her age do check to see that the puppies are gaining weight daily buy a baby scale or large food scale and weigh them every morning some bitches dont produce enough milk for the litter and can loose puppies this way also if shes moving them about think about the place she has her it quite? is there alot of people passing by...loud children? if there is relocated her crate/box that contains her puppies to a quite corner or quite beroom...dont leave the steriod on overly loud or the tv on loud either this may be spooking her into thinking her pups are in danger in this area and she needs to move them out of here! If shes not feeding them now she may not have milk or just be a poor mother as she is vbasicly a senior dog...large dogs would become seniors before smaller dogs so for a quick fix you can go get some milk replacemnt from the vets or pet shop even walmart normaly sells it mix it up according to derections and get a few eye droppers or syringes without the needle and feed the bitter for her...there are also small puppy bottle avalibel at vets/petstores and sometimes come with the kits. Just be sure the mother is eatting not eatting is a sign that something is very wrong as I'm sure you know labs have a tendency to eat everything offered so if she wont eat her dry kibble soke it..or offer chicken broth can also offer cooked rice with gravy, cooked liver everything is pretty good for a lactating dog...but I can NOT advise feeding anytype of canned or packeted food right now with the pet food scare with many common foods being posioned this wouldnt be a good idea...the porlbem is supposed to be with canned foods and pouched foods only...think have you fed wet food to her lately? iams/authortiy/sienace diet/Nutro are four names I can remember having problems from the lists i saw on the pet store shelfs....the same goes for canned and pouched cat foods might she have gotten into your cats food dish? if you have a cat. If her behavier continues into the night and you are worried and or if shes vomiting or not eatting or seems odd or off to you please for her sake take her into the vets and do bring the puppies with you as if she has an unseen illness its likely her puppies have it as well. I wish you luck with your big girl and her babies adn hope everything turns out fine.