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My Lab does not bark?

20 9:41:32

Hi there Cassie,

This question is probably going to sound a bit strange but my 10 month old lab called Max never barks! I know he can bark though as he likes to bark at our next door neighbours cats.  I would like to know how I can train him to bark when there is someone at the door of our house? He is a really mellow dog and really laid back (not that Im complaining) and just wants attention from everyone!  As I understand labs are supposed to be good watch dogs but mine isnt.  I dont want him to be aggressive in any way just to alert me if there is someone at the door like most dogs do!  Any help or tips would be most appreciated.



Okay, trust me- you do NOT want to train him to bark! I did the same thing with my Lab, and now everytime she wants something she barks at me until she gets it. She just won't give up! Try holding up a treat until he barks, but don't give it to him if he jumps. Sorry I couldn't be of much help!