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Best age to spey a labrador retriever

20 9:39:28

Hi,I have a georgeous chocolate lab who is just coming up to 6 months old. The vet I have taken her to so far has suggested if we are not going to breed from her, which we are not, then there are advantages (which he did explain) with respecting to early speying. He has recommended having her speyed around about 6 months old, before she has her first season. She still seems very young for such an operation. What is the earliest age you have known a lab to come into season? What age would you have a lab speyed?

Six months has long been the standard.  The trend is toward even younger.  Studies show dogs do as well being spayed or neutered at 4 months as 6.  Labs will come in season as early as 7 months.  I would go ahead with the 6 months your vet suggests.  Once they start into season, it is best to go through the hassle, mess and risks of it and spay them after they are all doen.