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my sliding glass door

20 9:35:59

my wonderful black lab is my would but when he wants in he really lets me know it. he pas the glass door almost to it breaking point,that is when i open it. i have done everything within my power to try and correct the situation oh yea he barks when he does it too. he is three years old and him go towards the fact that i my never break him from it. i spoil my dog to death and i will never do anything mean to him. only as far as a firm no.he is very smart and obeys with everything else but this. so anything would be very helpful.thank you much nick

Have you ever gone to an obedience class with your dog?  Spoiling is one thing, but discipline is another.  The best I can suggest is to find a trainer that will work with you on this specific problem.  Different trainers have different methods, and you need to find a person that can help you teach the dog not to jump at the glass door when he wants in.  It will most likely require you to have someone to help you.  As you will need to correct the dog outside when he starts scratching, but most likely he won't do the action unless he sees YOU inside.  So you can see, this is a hard habit to break, which is best treated by an expert that can see both you and your dog together.