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Dog Crate Question

20 9:48:22

I have a 9 m. old lab/pointer/golden mix and I just got a Large (the size) dog crate for him. Now I am just wondering if he can be in that crate all day when I am at school?(7:30am -3:30 pm) He can stand up- EXCEPT his head touches the top but his shoulders and everything else DOES NOT. Do I need a bigger size?

If he can stay inside the crate all day- can I stick some food and water in there for him and toys? Or will that be a disturbance to him? -What can keep him accupied?

Thanks! --Kyle

Hello Kyle and thank you for your questions,

Yes he can stay in the crate while your at school. Just be sure to let him uot for a potty break before hand. I reccomend aganst water/food in a crate... it may make him "go" in his crate. I reccomend a size up the xlarge wire dog crates are a great size for a dog like that(my purebred labrador retriever has one... shes 70 pounds) that size crate offers head room, room to turn around and strech out and chew a nylabone/kong or other safe toy, The genral crate rule is the dog must be able to turn around in in and lay down, its head should Not touch the top and the crate shouldnt rock when the dog turns around(no squeezing to turn), My labs crate was the large size I upgraded to xlarge.. its so much nicer. I reccomend feeding him/giving him his water bofer letting him out one last time and crating him. I do like to leave a nylabone or kong with my dogs in there crates to pervent boredom, If it is hot where you are you can leave a clip on dish in the cage with water in it/food also if you'd be gone longer then that but I reccomend not crating for more then 8 hours without a potty break.

I hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask, Tara.

Ps: That sounds like a beautiful dog you've got there!