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housebreaking my lab

20 9:41:34

I hope you can help me, I am at my wits end.  I rescued a Chocolate Lab from the Lab Rescue in Florida at 8 weeks old.  I can't seem to successfully housebreak him.  Every time he plays he goes to the back door to go outside and pottie.  I can't get to the door fast enough.  He starts pacing and peeing.  I take him out, he pees, he comes back in and plays with my other dog for 10 minutes and the same thing.  He doesn't give me a minute to get to the door and it is constant, in and out.  About 6 times an hour.  However, he can stay in his cage for 8 hrs and no accidents.  I tried rewarding him with a treat when he pottied outside, but he starting sitting at the door just wanting to go outside for a treat.  

Please help me...he is now 8 months old and nothing seems to work.  I have yelled, cursed, rewarded, given time-out and who knows what else.  By the way...I limit is water intake big time, so it is definitely not too much water.


Okay, I'm not a vet, so I can't really help you with the potty training, however, yelling and cursing and time-outs DO NOTHING. And NEVER limit his water intake. Talk to a vet. This could be serious, even deadly situation. The puppies mind, just like a human babies, is not fully developed.
Here is a tip: never let him jump on you. When you talk and walk around him. Walk with your shoulders back and speak in a deep voice. If he jumps on you, do not push him down. This just encourages the behavior. By the dog jumping on you, you encourage the behavior. Use dog psychology, not human phychology. I highly recommend you buy the book " Cesar's Way" by Cear Millan. You can get it at As the dog gets older, go to a nearby Petsmart and sign him up for puppy classes. Hope this helped!