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Breeding Labradors

20 9:46:54

I have two labs a 16 month old male uneutered and a 14 month old female unspayed. She recently went through a heat cycle. They were separated the whole time however he "got to her" one evening. I know it only takes once however I was wondering more so if she is physically able to have the puppies as far as here hips are concerened. Both dogs are exactly 62 lbs. Both dogs are in good shape and both are well behaved and also get 2 miles of walking 5 to 7 nights a week. I know that has nothing to do with her physical development but it does show her activity. Also since he only got to her once is it likely that there would be fewer puppies? In addition to that if she were to be pregnant and physically unable to give birth how early or how late is it to have the puppies removed?

Hello Charlie,

Ye4s she should be ok to carry and care for the puppies but do take care not to over exercsie her once her pregnancy is confirmed via an ultra sound in about 3 weeks from now. No there could still be 12 puppies even thou they only mated once, if they did click(link end to end) pregnancy is basicly confirmed so its best to assume shes pregnant and treat her accordingly.