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Re: Seizures

20 9:41:09

Hello, I have a roomate who recently purchased a lab puppy @ 8 weeks old. He was a normal happy puppy until last week when he had an episode that looked like he was choking and very dazed afterwards.He had not acted the same since. Recently we have discovered that the episodes are becoming more frequent and more violent. Upon reading up on the internet it sounds like he's having grand mal seizures and according to the vet, cluster seizures. We are waiting for lab andd blood results. The breeder he purchased him from says that there's no history that he knows of. Upon hunting this weekend , we met someone who had a friend that purchased a puppy from this same breeder and said he too had problems with seizures. My question is: Is the breeder responsible for anything legally since these are registered dogs?

Thank You,
Shawn Miller

The breeder is not responsiable for anything legally No. You cant prove the dog had problems before being bought....same case with your friends dog. But chances are the parent dogs or grandparents have had problems and this means they should NEVER have been bred in the first place it is very odd for both the puppies to have had seizure problems.