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my 3 year old lab

20 9:32:45

QUESTION: my 3 year old lab is perfect in every way; i got her from a breeder in July........she's very well behaved, housebroken, etc.  Winter is coming and I cannot walk with her to relieve herself in the snow and have been trying to train her to go in the back yard on a lead.  She goes out willingly and will pee but nothing else.  She'll wait at the back door for as long as it takes for me to go out and take her to the side of the condo (about 500 feet away) and then she will immediately go. I have tried to go out with and just stay with her in the backyard but nothing works. Might you have any suggestions?

ANSWER: You need to get her to move somehow.  Maybe even fetch.  Could you pay somebody to walk her?  Could you walk her on a shoveled walk?  Most dogs don't like eliminating on pavement, but if you walk her until she has to go and praise her for it, she should adapt to it.  Or after walking a little, you could let her step off the walk and have her bowel movement.  

Maybe a game of fetch before going out would work.  

Away from home, you must clean it up.  Easy enough.  slip a plastic bag over your hand, pick up the stools, turn the bag inside out and tie it shut.  Walk off with your treasure.  I like the bags my newspaper comes in on damp days.  Others use bread wrappers and the pet stores sell bags made for the purpose.  

If you can't make any of the above work, send a follow up giving me any details that might help.  The essential is exercise to stimulate her body.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so sorry; don't think i made my question very clear.  i live in a condo and in my back yard there is a patio and then a large lawn area.  I let her out to go and she will pee on the lawn any time she has to go, however, will not poop right there. There is an area that goes beyond my yard in the back and when I put her on a leash and take her for this brief walk to that area, she will go immediately. I do have someone that helps to walk her but they cannot be here in the am and that is the only time that she seems to poop. I am worried about the snow because then I can't walk her to the side lot and she will have to go out on the back lawn where she pees.  I have been unable to get her to do that.

Dogs get fixed ideas about where is proper to have bowel movements.  They will put off hoping for a chance to get to the ''right'' area.  Then they may be forced to in an inappropriate place.  Use exercise to force her to have the bowel movement where you can exercise her.  If you act very happy about her doing it in a good place for you, it should be easier and easier to get her to do it there.  Many places you will have to clean up after her.  As I explained, that isn't a problem.  

There is a lot of nonsense about food around.  One thing that is true is that the less grain there is in the food, the smaller and firmer the stools and the easier to clean up.  I have mostly fed Pro Plan and some Iams.  They produce fairly easy to clean up stools.