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Lab dog eats very fast

20 9:46:46

Hi, I have a 10 months Lab dog. He is in habit of eating very fast. He eats up food given to him in 1 minute. Same is with dog snacks and biscuits. He jumps and tries to hog these things. I am afraid he might choke up. Please advice.

When it comes to eating, most Labs fall into 2 groups, bad and worse.  The dog guide school give us not one, but 2 methods to use with them.  You can spread the food out. They suggest a cookie sheet, but many of my friends just throw the food on the bottom of the crate.  The other technique is to put large rocks in the food bowl, much too big to swallow.  The dog must work around them for its food.  Both work by making it impossible for the dog to get one large mouthful after another.  They go ahead and swallow while working at the next bite.  This is why rawhide is so dangerous for Labs.  They can rip off a piece too big to pass, and bolt it down.

In 1993, the group at the state fair included a Puppy named Hoover.  We all laughed when told why he was given the name.  The dog guide school retained him as breeding stock.  I was given a daughter to raise as my sixth Lab and soon realized why daddy was named Hoover.  It passed on to several generations.