Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > I would just like to have...

I would just like to have...

20 9:49:28

I would just like to have an idea of what may be going on with my lab. Suddenly she has become very weak in her legs and it is hard for her to stand and she is walking shaky and stumbling and tripping over the least little thing. I know you are not an expert in this but I was hoping you might be able to give me an idea of what might be going on?

It would help if I knew her age.  Everybody is quick to say hip dysplasia, but it could be other things.  Young dogs may grow out of pano or other conditions. My Pepper gave us a scare a few months ago with may have only been a pulled muscle.  She was recently X-rayed, and her hips are fine.  In an older dog, it could be arthritis even without other joint problems.  

Better let the vet decide.  Vets have access to more effective pain killers.  If you decide to giver her anything on your own, make it buffered aspirin.  Other over the counter pain killers kill dogs too.