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over weght

20 9:49:32

hello my dog over weght she is a black lab she needs to lose 10- 15 pounds what can i do to help her she doesen,t eat alot 2-3 cups a day of low fat fiber food  

Hi Brian!

Begin with the rib test.To tell if your pet is overweight or merely stocky,run your hand acrosse his side.If you can't feel his ribs,you know it's time his tummy.

Put on your walking shoes.Regualtr exercise is probably the best way to help your pet shed excess pounds.Taking your dog for a walk is great for your dog,great for you and a wonderful way to bond.if your pet isn't used to regular exercise,you may want to start out with short walks-around the block,for instance-and gradually qork up to longer,brisker adventures.

Make it light.To help your pet slim down,some veterinarians recomend switching from his usual food to one that is high in dietary fiber and low in fat.(Or you can mix a higher-fiber food with his usual chow.)This can allow him to eat as much as before and still maintain a healthy weight.

Cut back on the calories.When starting your pet on a diet,vets advise reducing the amount you feed him by about one-quarter.Then,after about two weeks,see if you can feel his ribs.If he still seems too plump,cut back on his food by another quarter.If two weeks go by and he still seems overweight,then it's probably time to see your vet.

Feed him often.To help your pet stave off hunger pangs while dieting,vets recommend dividing his daily food allowance into four to six servings and giving him one serving every few hours.It keeps him occupied and help keep his stomach busy.He might not even realize he's not eating as much.

Spread the pleasure.Another way to help your pet feel satisfied while eating less is to make him eat more slowly.For dogs,vets recommend dividing the food into several bowls and spearding the around the kitchen.

Nix the snacks.However tempting it is to slip your pwet just a little something between meals,remind yourself that those are just additional calories he's better off avoiding.

Or dole out low-cal treats.To please your pet's palate without packing on the pounds,you might want to give him high-fiber,low-fat snacks from yur kitchen.Lots of pets like foods such as cooked green beans,raw carrots or unbuttered airpopped popcorn.

Make a reservation.Another way to avoid fattening snacks is simply to set aside a small portion of your pet's usual food and dole it out during the day as an "added" treat.You give him a piece of kibble here,a piece of kibble there,and everyone is happy.

Go for the garlic.As bad as it can be for the breath,this pungent herb can be an effective weight-loss tool.One of garlic's properties is that it helps regulate the liver and the gallbladder.That helps the digestive system get back on track.For small pets,vets recommend crushing about one-quarter to half a clove and putting in their food.Larger pets can eat anywhere from one to two cloves a day.

Guard against theft.Dogs and cats,especially cats,can be really sneaky when they're not getting as much food as they're accustomed to.Vet's advice:Keep the garbage out of their reach,keep an eye on your table,and by all means keep bread away from your cat.Dieting cats really go crazy for bread.

                When To See The Vet
Your formerly svelte pet hasn't been eating more than usual,but lately he's begun to resemble a pot-bellied pig.While it's possible that all you're witnessing is the spread of middle age,his unexplained weight gain could also indicate something serious.
   There are a number of dangerous conditions-among them diabetes and congestive heart failure-that make themselves known with weight gain.That's why you should always check wuith your vet before starting your portly pet on a weight-loss plan.Putting your pet on a diet in certain cases could lead to real trouble.

                Weighing The Risks
Weighing your pet convenient way to measure the progress-or setbacks-of his weight-loss plan.For a small pet,it's easy:Just scoop him up and step on the scale. Then put him down and weigh yourself.Subtract your weight from what the two of you weigh together,and you'll quickly learn if your pet is still more hippo or gazelle.
   It's not so easy,however,if your pet happens to be a big-time-wiggler-or he's a 100-pound Labrador retriever. While bathroom scales work well for the upright among us,they're terrible inconvienient for our four -footed friends.
   The solution to this weighty problem? Drop by your vets office.Most vets have large platform scales that are easy for pets to stand on. In most cases they'll let you use the scale free of charge,particulary when you're working together to bring your pet back to fighting trim.

  You can also check out these websites below for more information.

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that Black Labby Girl millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!