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choosing a labrador

20 9:47:30

Hi!  Within the next couple of years I am planning on getting a labrador retriever.  I have heard great things about the breed and have done alot of research.  I have grown very fond of the "white" labradors, though I know that they are not registered as white.  In my research, I have come across breeders that specialize in the very light colored yellow labradors.  Only problem is, none are remotely near where I live! (Which is in northern NJ).  I understand that many breeders will send the puppies on flights to their new homes, and I am just curious, what is your view on this?  Of course, I would rather be their to interact with the puppies and see for myself, but if that is not possible, a good reputable breeder should be able to guide me along to the right labrador depending on what I say I want in a dog...right?  Any advice you have on the matter would be wonderful, thank you in advance!
-Lisa S

Hello Lisa and thank you for your questions,

Yes a good reputiable breeder will be able to pick a puppy from the litter of the temperment you want. Be sure it is a reputiable breeder however as there are alot of scam artists out there these days... ie. sending money but them never having had a puppy to send in the first place. Shipping by air is safe in good weather, I wouldnt reccomend shipping a puppy in extrmly cold weather.