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poop schedule?

20 9:33:47

dear Labman

we are following your answers from Turkey! They have been really helpfull! thank you so much! my question is we are trying to set a schedule for our 3.5 month old black female lab. We have read everywhere that after meals she should be pooing in at most half an hour but our little one seems to resist it! Sometimes it takes 4 hours after the meal to make her poop. This way we have no schedule left whatsoever which makes it harder to set up a daily routine for us - while we are working at the same time. Any suggestions for this? How do we make her go at certain times?
thank you in advance!

Often exercise helps.  I frequently need to take my puppies in a public place in the mornings.  I am always careful to walk around the parking lot until they have a bowel movement.  I don't keep a schedule, but if you establish when she normally would have a bowel movement, and walk her if she doesn't, you may hold her to a regular schedule.

I don't think they have a lot of control over bowel movements at that age.  they just suddenly have to go.  

I am pleased to have questions from several countries.  I try to allow for things being different other places.