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Spaying My Puppy

20 9:47:51

I have a female Chocolate Lab born on March 19th. Approxiamtely when should I spay her? I know it should be before her first heat but how soon will that be?

Hello Betsy and thank you for your question,

Its good to see someone spaying a non breeding pet as cancers are a big killer in unspayed females dogs. The first heat cylce for my labrador ret. was at 9 months smaller dogs tipicly have there first heat at 6 months, don't be cuaght of guard however larger dogs have had cycles at 6 months as well. I would take her in for her spay at no younger then exactly six months but thats just me, as pupies are so active and full of energy it would be croud to have a younger pupy spayed and not able to play.

Enjoy your little girl, labs are the best dogs with children or other animals.