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Yellow Labrador Puppy

20 9:32:41

When will i get my life back? I have a pure bred 7 month old yellow Labrador
and he seems to be controling my life. Everything revolves around him. I don't
remember this with my first dog. He is house broken, crate trained and a very
happy dog. I play with him every day and take him for long walks and try not
to neglect him too much. I rarely go out except when i work one day a week
and when i do work i have a pet sitter come in. He does not let me be and if i
try and get chores done, he will interfere or get into something just to get my
attention. I have done puppy training classes but he still does not listen and
jumps on the counters and people. I know a lot of this is part of being a
puppy but i am starting to wear out and i am wondering when it gets better.
When does he calm down a little. When i can go about my business when i
need to? I am having an in house trainer come next week for an evaluation. I
am truly at wits end with exhaustion. I know people will say it takes time and
i have to be firm but when you are exhausted it is hard to stay firm. It has
been 7 long months.  Any suggestions or at least is there any light at the end
of this tunnel and when will i start to see it?

Lab puppies are like 2 year old children.  They demand all of your attention unless they are asleep.  And this is the age where they are going back and testing you.  Making sure all the things you said and taught are still true, and if he can get away with something, that's the new rule.

If the puppy is not listening to commands, you need to retrain and be consistent in your commands.  This is not the time to think he knows sit.  This is the time to make sure sit is sit no matter where you ask and there are no exceptions.  

If you don't do this already, make sure the dog is crate trained and that it understands that crate time is nap time.  My dogs all know that once they are crated, they are to be quiet.  

It really sounds like exercise might be a problem.  Walks are really  not exercise for a young dog.  They are an appetizer.  They need 20-30 minutes of running.  Play fetch or something to TIRE the dog out.  

Labs are also PEOPLE dogs.  They want to be with their people, and if that means sitting on them, then so be it.  That's their nature.  

Unfortunately, many folks think lab puppies are cute, and know that adult labs can be very calm and make good family dogs, but the puppy years between the chewing and the attention hog modes are terrible for those that aren't expecting it, that's why many labs at this age find themselves in the pound.  

If you can weather this storm by being consistent in your commands, the dog will grow out of it...there is not magical date.  Could be a few months, could be another year.  My boys are 2 1/2 and still monsters, even WITH extensive training and obedience titles earned on them.

Edited to Add after reading your note with feedback:  Do NOT job with the pup if that's what you meant by running.  Labs can get serious issues with their joints if you jog with them before they are done growing (about 18 months).  Playing with a soccer ball is fine but labs are RETRIEVERS, get the dog to chase a ball or toy and bring it back to you.