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Vicious 3 Month Old

20 9:47:55

Hello there. I am hoping for some serious help here. I am extremely upset in the fact that I have a 3 month old black lab that seems to have a temper problem. I know that it is normal for a puppy to bite but my puppy goes a bit further. She seems to listen to my boyfriend but if he isnt around its like party-time for her it seems. When I let her loose in the house she goes BUCK-WILD and is impossible to control. I end up putting her back in her crate which I hate doing b/c I feel she doesnt get the attention she needs. Now, several times (in its only getting worse recently) she has snapped at me even breaking my skin, but its not while we are playing, instead its when I scold her. We have been trying to house-train her (by crate since watching a video on what to do) but she refuses to learn. Just today she has already peed on the floor 3 times and pooped once on the floor and get this... once in her crate!!. Amazingly, she still manages to pee outside everytime I take her out(which is about once an hour). When we come back in, she pees again. If she pees on the floor, I pick her up and tell her POTTY OUTSIDE... POTTY OUTSIDE!!! and put her outside right away. But while I am carrying her she shows her teeth, bites my arms and her fur stands straight up. She gets down right mad. When she runs like crazy in the house and I scold her, she attacks me. She runs at me showing her teeth, bites me, sometimes she growls and barks and her fur stands straight up. Do I have a vicious puppy? Did I do something to cause this? I have a 6 month old baby and I am concerned for her safety in the future. I am a Lab and Dog lover. I cant believe I ended up with a puppy I cant even pet or hug. I have not told my boyfriend that she has broken my skin b/c he said the first time she does that out of anger he is getting rid of her. He also has an 8yr old daughter he fears for. I am giving her every chance. Please tell me that I can somehow make this dis-obedient vicious puppy into a loveable pet we were hoping for.  

Hello Brooke and thank you for your question, Have I helped you with something before? I remember the name. I'm so sorry she is like this, no Pure bred labrador retriever should be visuos puticularly as a puppy its very strage, my lab was so "dopy" wehn I got her at three months of age she rarely played, and she was eaily potty trained however, she wasnt sick the vet said she was a o.k her dopeness would be because of the breed I guess. I ould contact the breeder you got her from right away, explain the problem and ask porsibly to see both parents, if they are hateful or agressive at all this would explain her temperment, I would hate to see these pueople keep breeding dogs with bad... odd tempers for the breed and have a normaly loving totatly non aggressive pups or dogs put down because of it. THe petstore perhaps is where you got her? check with them where she came from in that case you should see the breeder. It isnt anything you Could have done as I said labs are ment to be the absulte Best family dog and take anything from the kids screaming to a kitten pouncing on them. If you can't find out anything about her past home/parents/grand parents I'm not sure what you can do. She could make an ok pet with behavier training from a dog beahverist, In fact look for a dog trainer or beahiverist in your area(a good quaility one). Potty training should go like this, after puppy eats outsdie 10 to 15 minutes later, when pupy drinks 10 minutes after outsdie or sooner, after play outside right away, after waking up out out out! My current puppy(a Boston Terrier) pees around every 30 minutes during her awake active times adn every 1 1/2 to 3 during her sleeping times and poops after every meal, after waking, after playing and sometimes afte drinking as well lol.

I'm sorry i couldnt be of more help try the things I reccomended however someone sould know why a friendly dog is gone agressive... its to do with the breeding I'm sure of it inbreeding can cause things like this and back yard breeder pups offen have poor temperment and health as well.