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Please suggest food for puppy with dirreah

20 9:39:31

My 2 month puppy has recovered form severe dirreah. Please suggest some home made food for him. Tried yogurt, cottage cheese and a weaning cereal that we get for human children in India.
Also please let me know if diary products are good for puppy?



If a dog is having trouble keeping anything down or continuing diarrhea try this out of the manual I have from a large, knowledgeable dog guide school.

Bland recovery diet for dogs.

3 parts cooked rice, one part boiled hamburger or chicken, or cottage cheese. I think you can substitute boiled potatoes for the rice. Once in an emergency, we bought a plain baked potato from Wendy's.

This is meant for short time settling a dog's digestive tract. It is not the complete and balanced diet they need long term. I have seen it work.

Cows' milk contains lactose.  Dogs can't digest it, so avoid it.  In general, what is good for a puppy, or any other dog, is a diet of  the commercial dog chows, carefully formulated to provide the complete and balanced diet dogs need.  Adding anything else usually does more harm than good.