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Fast eating...?

20 9:39:18

I am 47 years old and raising my 5th dog. Our 14 year old black Lab Winston, died of cancer recently, and left a big hole in the family. We recently brought home a 9 month old yellow Lab named Sugar. A better dog we couldn't hope for, sweet, gentle, beautiful. I could go on for hours. Here's the rub: I have never seen a dog eat so quickly!!! I am well aware how 'Food Motivated' Labs are, but is there any way to have her slow down? I'm afraid she is going to get sick. Is this a product of her being around a large group of dogs at the breeders?

You know... "thems that eat the fastest, gets the mostest?!"

And thank you for this forum... love the opportunity to ask the experts!

I think it is genetic.  Lola, Hoover's daughter, was terrible, as will as her half sisters Princess and Asia that were retained as breeding stock.  I never saw Kirby and Eureka eat.  

Fortunately we all had the same puppy raising manual with 2 different, proven ways of curing it.  You can spread the food out on a cookie sheet or something. Some of my friends just throw it on the floor of the crate. You can put large rocks in the food dish, much to big to swallow. Either way, the dog can't gulp down one big mouthful after another.