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Boston Terrier Puppy

20 9:47:03

Hi. I just got an 8 week old Boston Terrier puppy and he is sooo cute! We started feeding him 3 times a day about 1/2 a cup of food and we quickly realized this was way too much. Then we read the instructions on the back of the dog food bag and started feeding him 1/4 of a cup three times a day but he still kept getting sick and throwing up in his mouth so we took him to the vet and he said we should feed him 1/8th a cup of food 4 times a day. This has stopped the throwing up but sometimes I feel like he's always hungry. I was just wondering if you thought this amount was ok. The puppy was the smallest in his litter so he's very little. Any thoughts?

Hello Beth and congrats on your new baby your sure to have fun with a boston terrier my little girl is just creeping up on 5 months and is very cuddley and the sweetest temperment I have ever seen on a dog...ever! lol. Maybe he hs enlongated soft palate? This is too comman in the breed as is stenic nare(my puppy has surgery toopen her nostrils at 10 weeks...she was strainnig to breath..poor little girl..but is quite a bundle of energy now). Enlongated soft palate is where the soft palate in the throt hangs into the throt and causes the dog to throw up and throw up frothy foam little gril Also has a slightly enlongated soft palate but thankfully it wasnt long enough to need surgery....she was from a breeder I found from a locle newspaper listing online...I paid her $800 dollars only to find out this was wrong withh er and pay another $400 on her surgery.....the parents were snorting alot when I went to see her I hadn't known about stenic nares or anything at the time but by the way they were snorting Both parents had this problems and should have NEVER been bred to start with, i had orginaly bough her to have her studded and keep a puppy or two but after I found out about her stenic nares I have decided to have her spayed next month...noone needs to go throguh what i did with her and no other puppy eneds to have to be operated on at such a young age. I just thought I'd tell the story to inform you on what idiots there are out there these days! they were the nicest of people but in it for the money...she isnt even papered my "Hannah" and yet they charged so much now I have found for $400 more I could have bought a healthy/paper registered puppy lol...but I would never give up Hannah for the world.  I feed hannah as much as she wanted or ratther wants whenever she wants it I follow this basic rule with all my puppies until they are 10/12 months old then I change over to adult foods and start limiting foods given. Soem people say all dogs get fat on free fed diets but its not quite true..I have yet to find a dry dog chow that the dogs will eat whenever its laid down and or eat all of it....f I leave a large dish with 5 cups of food in it (I need to refill once a day because 5 bups isnt near enough for my dogs) they will take a few kibbles from it and eat when hungry *Only, they'd rather bug for treats and table scraps to see if they can get anything better first lol. Hannah was very vomity when she was that age also....she threw up at lest every two days and sometimes twice a day...just frothly white slimey foam. i wouldnt worry about it as long as your keeping him confined to your hard and he isnt around strange dogs with unknown vaccine records and he is vaccinated and being vaccinated then don't worry, If he looks hungry chances are he is.... offer what he will eat when he will eat it puppies grow like weeds and she be getting there fair share of puppy foods.  if he is the runt feeding him more would be kinder. Do not give many treats eatable chews or hides at this age they make puppies throw up and if he eats a 3 inch milk bone....there no room for his next healthy nutricus meal! Good luck with your little guy they are really awsome and if you need anything else feel free to ask.