Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > behavier


20 9:47:50

my neighbor has 2 dogs, one of which she got as a
young adult from the Human society, he is mix
between we think lab and border collie, recently
he started growling at 3 of the people who live in the household, 2 of which have physicly deciplent him in the past. He is also becoming more agressiv with for instance people riding their bike past the house. I also have a young Lab
and we take the 3 dogs on walks every day, and there are no problems there other than when my dog and Rockey play together Rocky gets a little to ruff sometimes and plows him over which hurts my baby sometimes, but there is no agrssion in the behavier towards me or my dog. Rocky is very hyper and energetic dog, to the point that he gets 2 walks every day in which he is allowed to run free, and believe me he runs,(not away). I guess my question is how to stop his agression and show him his place in the household without anymore vilont threats from the male owners, because that is surly not working for this dog, but he needs to be brought under controll before someone gets hurts. Keep in mind he is extremly hyper, so ignoring for the first 5 minutes your home and greeting everbody else first is not an option, unless he is restraint before hand, walking
down stairs in front of him could be deadly, because he just pushes right by or through you,
so I guess we need a little harsher training method for a very ill behavied dog.
Thanky you

Hello Narika and thank you for your questions,

Boder collies(even mixes withthe breed) are extremly active and have been know to chase cars/bikes/skate boarders and motor bikes so be careful with this he could get him self badly ijured or killed cahsing these things. If the people in his household have really beaten hit or struck him hardly because of something or yelled at him repededly he has right to be upset and agressive. It is only a mtter now to have those who were so hateful or unkind to him to talk in quite tones, offer faveorite treats or rawhides to him and pet him while someone else is holding him to aviod biting(wait a few weeks until doing this). He must be able to take time to forgive the men if he ever does that is, so don't expect a few milk bones over night to get him to accept them again, The men must NEVER yell loudly at him or strike him for any reason at all ever again or he will very likely bite them. A dog can sence hatered also and if the men are 'playing nice' and looking possitivly grumpy or moody the dog will know its all a hoxe and will not accept them. Playing ruff(lol) is a way of life with dogs my 70 pound female labrador retriever flips my 15 pounds male jack russell terrier upside down...he flys through the air sometimes(ouch!) and he swings from the looser skin of the back of her neck when he's p.o'ed lol then they tear around the yard so fast if you don't watch out you'll be bowled right over and possibly sustain a sprained ankle or a broken leg at the rate they fly through the yard lol. For coming down the stairs my Lab has learned to work with me on this, If shes behind me she will slow down a bit if i'm walking dead center so I always pick a side to walk down and she passes beside me, my jack russell is the same way, Try walking while holding on the handrail in the middle and see if he picks a side or trys to run through your legs, if he slows down at all it wont be hard to go up or down for long now, Simply(hold on to the handrail of course) pick a side to walk down on, either hug the left or right which ever has the handrail is best just incase, he will pass by you on the free side of the stairway.... yes I am talking about tiny 3 foot staircases there will be room for passing on the oppisite side of you. Greating at the door problems involving stiars? I reccomend a baby gate at the top or bottom of the stairs that the dog can not jump over or duck under and fix it there, then when you arrive home you can accutaly get in the door and remove your coat and shoes beofre being 'attacked' by the 'beast'. I hope this clears everything up if I've missed something or mixed something up feel free to email anytime and I'll be sure to get back to you within a day or two, thanks and have a good day.