Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > my yellow lab her brown on her nose is peeling and i was wondering why

my yellow lab her brown on her nose is peeling and i was wondering why

20 9:38:57

my dog she is 2 years old she is a female i noticed on her nose that it is peeling not on the tip but on the back of the nose where it is brown. is that normal if not is there lotions i can get for her to repair the peeled off skin right now she has peach where the brown should be and the skin when it peeled was hard and crunchy is that normal ?
any advice

It sounds like she wasn't getting much sun for long enough for her nose to lose its color, and then got enough sun to burn and peel.  A little lotion might help, but likely she would lick it off.  

In the future, if she is going to get more sun than usual, you could try some sun screen.  If you use waterproof, she may not get it all licked off.  

If her nose doesn't heal up, you may want to talk to the vet.