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Dog has hurt paw

20 9:48:56

dog came home yesterday with a limp. his front right paw is sore right above his paw, near the joint. he puts a little wait on it but doesn't really want to stand up on it much. could he have gotten stung by a bee? how long should i wait before taking him to a vet? If it is a bee sting, how long before he gets back to his ole self?

You could try giving him a buffered aspirin twice a day.  I mean aspirin, not the newer stuff safer for us, but deadly to dogs.  

You have a couple of days to watch him before getting stuck with a problem over the weekend.  If he isn't much better by Thursday, better call the vet.

I am a little concerned about ''He came home....''.  Unfortunately too many places dogs by them selves can find mischief.  I find many questions here from people complaining about their neighbors' dogs.  Please be careful not to let him annoy neighbors.