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How far can we walk our 7 week old lab puppy?

20 9:38:32

Hi, I've read lots about not over exercising labs when they are young. What's the
rule of thumb re: how far we can walk him at 7+ weeks of age?


I have never worried too much about it.  You can walk several blocks with him.  If he tires and lags or stops, just pick him up and carry him until he starts to wiggle to get down.  You can go on longer and longer walks, never pushing him or forcing a fast pace with a bicycle or something.  

You do need to choose where to walk very carefully.  One sniff of where a sick dog eliminated in the last 6 months is enough to give him a life threatening case of parvo or other disease.  Keep him on the pavement.  Most dogs won't eliminate on it.  

As much as physical danger as there is in taking a puppy out in public, it is also risky for its socilization not to.  If you want a dog you can take out in public around stranger, traffic, noise, and crowds, you must expose it to them early, before 12 weeks.