Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > My Labrador doenot eat anything for 2 months now ,he is very thin and weak help plzzz

My Labrador doenot eat anything for 2 months now ,he is very thin and weak help plzzz

20 9:32:04


I have a black labrador ,5 years of age.
2 months ago he got sick,had a countinous fever,

now there is no fever but he doenot eat anything and had become
very thin and weak,can't even bark.

he throws up 2 to 4 times a day.

I am starting to believe that he had acidity in his stomach.
He does not even drink mild cold milk,which i suppose is helpful
to reduce acidity.

Please help me as i sure as hell can't figure out what is bothering him.

Thank you.

I am not a vet, and he definitely needs to see a vet.  But I did want to mention that dogs are typically intolerant of milk and milk products.  Any milk can upset his stomach and cause diarrhea, so I am not surprised the dog does not want that.  

The vet needs to determine what is wrong with the dog.  This sounds like a serious illness.