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Adopted Puppy.

20 9:43:48

I just adopted an abandoned black lab puppy.  I want to know how old she is so that I can give her the proper flea treatment (most are not suitable for puppies under 12 weeks old).  How can I tell how old she is?  Is there an average weight ratio or tooth size? The lady I adopted her from guessed 8-10 weeks and she's about 20 lbs.

The 20 pounds suggests more than 8-10 weeks.  Between 8-10 weeks, the teeth stay about the same but the jaw lengthens opening up gaps between the teeth which the adult teeth soon start filling in.  

The best thing would be a vet check.  Unless you know it recently had shots, it needs a round of them.  If you have mosquitoes, it needs heartworm remedy.  The vets have the best flea stuff.  I know the Revolution I use is OK for puppies over 6 weeks.