Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > PLESE help me pick between four dogs!

PLESE help me pick between four dogs!

20 9:49:02

I appreciate your help! I have lots of company, I have a good sized property on the water, and I need a very active, but not hyper dog. I'll be using my dog for Indoor/outdoor, love and affection, lots of tricks (with naturally lots of training), running around playing games, intelligence, and hunting. I have narrowed my selection using lots of time and resources to four dogs: Flat Coted Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Poodle, or Labradoodle (Lab, Poodle mix). I have spent a lot of time looking and trying to decide, but I can't get more than standard breed type or comparison info on these dogs. If you could please give me your personal opinion, and/or personal info on these dogs; I would be VERY happy. Thank you for your time!!
                                                                                   Marcus Burt  

Answer and have breed selector pages on their site.  You may have already visited them.  The trouble is, they give descriptions of typical members of the breed.  Dogs vary so much within a breed, even among litter mates.  It is possible to buy a puppy and have it not be anything like the breed descriptions.  You want to look for a calm dog.  Even if your puppy doesn't grow up like you expected, how you raise it helps make it what you need.  The first 12 weeks of a dog's life greatly affect its adult personality.  Expose it to your lifestyle, and it will be comfortable with you.  Since I usually don't take them out to places where they could swim when young, some of my Labs haven't liked the water.   

Choosing a dog is a very personal thing.  You need to actually see a variety.
You could drop in on an obedience class.  Most of the people will be happy to
talk about their dog, and many will give honest answers about grooming and
nature.  Maybe ask to visit the breeders home.  Field  and show champions can be bred in kennels.  Dogs where the mother lives in the house have the best
personalities.  Some kids to fondle the puppies from birth are better yet.  If
the breeder doesn't want the parents in their house, do you want the offspring
in yours?