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labrador problems

20 9:38:47

How old do Labradors usually get and do they commonly have hing leg problems at the end of their lives?

I would say 12-14 years, I have never seen any good figures on it.  It varies with the care they have had and when the owner decides it is time.  My Aster turned 14 last fall and was in good shape, but the winter was hard on her.  Then this spring, the vet found cancer in her jaw.  At that time, he said he sees very few 16 year olds.  

It is common to have arthritis as they age even if their hips are OK.  Aster's were Xrayed and were fine, but now has trouble with her hind end.  We recently changed her pain medicine, and she is doing much better now.  There are ways the vet can improve a dog's quality of life and extend their life.