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advise me on vaccines and medicines for a 45 day old puppy

20 9:38:27

please advise me for a 45 day old lab puppy. tell me what all should i do for the next 1 year. vaccines and medicines. i am from India. thanks.  Paul Abraham

I hope you have a veterinarian available to work with.  Your puppy is about the age where they get their first shots in America.  Usually it is a single shot called DHLPP for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, para influenza, and parvovirus.  Repeat every 3 weeks to age 16 weeks.  Bordetella is done as a nasal spray at 14 weeks.  Rabies is done at 3-6 months and again at a year.  Conditions may be far different in India and requirements different.  

There are a number of highly effective flea remedies available here, Advantage, Sentinel, Interceptor, Revolution, and others.  They are given as a tablet or applied to the dog externally once a month.  Some of them also protect against heartworm.  If you have heartworm in India, you must have the dog on a remedy for it too.  Heartgard+ is the most common one here.  All of the above eliminate other worm problems such are round and hook worms.  

It is best to have the dog spayed or neutered at about 6 months too.  

You can find additional reliable information at  Be careful of the internet.  Much of the info on dogs is put up by somebody that is actually selling something and can't be trusted.