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20 month old aggressive lab

20 9:45:34

I have a 100 pound 20 month old Male lab that has been fixed but he is the Alfa male in our family of 7 dogs  we had a male boston and a male poodle the rest females,all our pets are fixed. He attacked the poodle the other day for no reason, he got him in a corner and bit him and shook him like a rag doll, after the attack the Lab ran and hid.The poodle spent 2 days at the vets and I'm ready to get rid of the lab. He is really a sweet boy but he snapped and I'm still in shock. what can I do other then keep them apart for now.Thank goodness we were home when this happen or I'm sure the poodle would be dead. Please help..  

The Lab is maturing and perhaps consolidating its position in the pack.  It is possible the Poodle challenged it in a way you wouldn't see.  If you provided stronger leadership, things might settle down.  See  There are cases where even the most experienced dog trainers can't avoid problems between 2 dogs with a strong dominance drive.  You may have to give up one or the other. If so, consider a rescue group.  You may find a rescue near you starting at