Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > its me again lol

its me again lol

20 9:47:01

hi thier again umm i wanted to know im getting a new crate for my lab thats 4 months old because he doesnt fit in the medium one im planning to get xtra large is that too big beacuse i dont want to buy another one after large and i dont want him too pee in his crate he is house broken tho what would your idea be?

Hi Sim its no problem email as many times as you need to but remember you Can ask a few questions per email again it doesnt matter to me.

My labs crate is 48 inches long so four fett by about 30 inches and about 3 feet all she is 70 pounds she has enoguh room to streach right out in the crate, turn around/curl up eat and even chew some toys if she wants to she would never pee in her crate unless left for hours on end, I think this is a large crate the xlarge in this brand was like for a 150 pounds dog it was just huge. I reccomend no smaller then this for a lab when adult sized esspesily a male. as long as the dog can pee before going into the crate and isnt offered water in teh crate and not left for more then 5/6 hours it shouldnt pee in the crate no matter the size.