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1 year old labs bleeding nipples

20 9:32:21

I have a 11 month old golden lab, she was in season about 3 months ago, recently I have noticed there is dried blood around her nipples, the blood is not pouring out but I have cleaned away the dried blood away then the next day it is back, do I need to take her to the vets or is this ok.

When a dog is in season, they bleed from their vulvas not their nipples.  

You need to be sure what you are seeing is really blood vs. dirt.  My girls who have had seasons (thus big nipples) often get dirt and mud caked on their nipples depending on the weather.  Even the boys' get a bit crusty from dirt.  

If it's REALLY blood, YES, you need to see a vet because that would be akin to a human bleeding from their nipples.  It's not normal and needs medical attention.