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sever shedding / scratching

20 9:41:24

my two year old chocolate seems to be loosing allot of hair.I recently had him neutered 3 months ago.he also spends about 6 hours AA day in a kennel while we are at work. I've noticed some flaky skin on his back.I'VE checked for fleas and couldn't find any.Any help would be apriciated.THANK YOU

The real check for fleas is to pull back the hair just in front of the tail.  If you see or feel any dark reddish specks, you dog has fleas even if you haven't seen any. Let your vet help you choose an effective remedy.

Otherwise, feed a decent chow and little else, brush regularly, and seldom if ever give a bath.  If after a month of that, the dog still itches, you will need to talk to the vet.