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side effects of neutring

20 9:40:22

hi i am from india i have a black labrador  and he is one year old . i havent had any problem with him as yet but heard of neutring one's dog..... but why to do it and does it have any side effects on dogs health......   and also i feel his hind limbs are slightly inward bending , is that a problem .......
and i dont take him to a walk as i dont have time even though i play with him in our own house ,,is that ok or lack of walk is causing his hind limbs go weal and bend inwards

It would be better if you did go ahead and have him neutered.  It reduces many behavior problems and later reduces the chances of cancer.  I don't know of any negative side effects of neutering.

The problem with his legs is most likely either genetic or a poor diet.  He should have been eating a dog chow and little else.  The likely genetic problems makes another good reason to neuter him.  Even if you never planned to breed him, if he smells a female at the fertile part of her cycle, he could go bounding over the fence or out the door to go mate with her.  In the US, we have a terrible problem with that sort of thing.