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skin problem

20 9:32:50

I have a 8 year old golden lab.
His paws have turned a dark color and are inflamed all around the pads. He has dark areas under the arm pits and inflamed red skin under his belly. My local vet has tried with antibiotics with no results. The dog is well cared for but he just looks bad.

Unfortunately I am not a vet so I don't recognize the skin problem.  You may want to see if you have a vet that specialized in skin issues in your area or at least seek a second opinion.  If the antibiotics didn't work, it's not due to an infection.  There are several other skin disorders but you would have to allow the vet to check for other things.

Since the dog is 8 years old, consider a full vet check with blood test just because he is now a Senior dog.  His skin issues could be due to something off with his thyroid, which happens to older dogs.