Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Is it perfect Height, Legnth, Waight for my 8months old Female Black LAB pvp

Is it perfect Height, Legnth, Waight for my 8months old Female Black LAB pvp

20 9:34:51

I am from india i have a labrador retriever female 8 months old her height is 22inch from shoulder to the pow Legnth is 27inch from nake to starting of tail, weight is aprox 25 kg is it small or perfect?. What will be the legnth and Height at her adult age?

The figures you show are just at the lower end of the breed standard.  She should have most of her growth now, ans should grow enough to be averaged sized, perhaps 23'' at the shoulder and 28'' long.

Check the ends of the leg bones.  If they are still much knobbier than an adult's, the growth plates are still open and it is still growing.  If not, do not expect much more growth.

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