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lame 6 yr old choc lab

20 9:49:13

Guess I just wanted a 2nd opinion that I am doing all I can..My lab went lame all of a sudden about 3 wks ago. Right front leg. Vet has done all x-rays & tests nothing...sent to a specialist have had a spinal tap/shoulder tap & myleogram..nothing. They now want me to go to OSU vet hosp. for MRI and other testing. Don't know what to do. Has been on prednisone for 1 week no change. The leg is now starting to curl up and he is walking on the wrist part...Please help. Thks.

I wish I could do more for you.  Most of the Land Grant Colleges have excellent veterinarian schools.  I am sure you dog is in good hands.  

Often when a dog has a sudden problem, it is a pulled muscle or such.  Surely the vet would have recognized that.  Has he been tested for Lyme disease?  I think it has made it to the Midwest.  The field trainer I was working with last year had her Golden Retriever demo dog come down with it.  It seemed like a pulled muscle at first.  She is just sick over him, and besides, she needs him in her job.