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two puppies fighting

20 9:34:51

We have got a 6 month old yellow lab bitch who is very well behaved and have recently got a 12 week old yellow lab bitch. The only problem is the puppy keeps biting my older dog and will not leave her alone and they keep fighting - is this normal? How long is it likely to go on for as i am considering gettng rid of the younger pup.

Unlimited play fighting is normal.  As long as the little one is instigating it and the older one tolerating it, likely it is OK.  Don't be afraid to break it up if either seems to tire of it.  With our last 2 puppies, we have had restrict them from an older dog we sometimes sit.  They will start out playing, but later the older dog retreats to the crate.  At that time, I put the younger one on tie down.  He may still come play with them some, but is free to quit when he gets enough.  He seems more tolerant of them at 12 weeks than 6 months.

There is some chance of problems later if both refuse to submit to the other.  It isn't a common problem, but happens.  spaying both reduces the chances.