Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > 11 month old labrador retriever

11 month old labrador retriever

20 9:48:27

may lab dog has a rash under his thighes and around the groin, his skin is very pink in that area. the vet gave me 3Vcaps skin formula, it did nothing. please advise and I would thankful

Go back.  Often the vet can't tell by looking what something is.  They can take a scraping, and culture it and find out.  Or they can prescribe what will cure the most likely problem and have it cleared up for less time and money than finding out first.  Sometimes they may try something else or may do some tests. You have to work with them.  If the vet seems to have a lot of trouble getting things right, it may be time to try a different one.