Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > server arthritis

server arthritis

20 9:38:44

Hi, I have just bought a 3 yr old labrador and took him to the vet as he was limping it turns out that he has server arthritis, can you tell me please is it better to have him put to sleep or worth getting him treated he is a lovely dog but i dont want to see him suffer as well this is notabout vet bills as he is covered by pet insurance.


This is a difficult question.  Did the vet give you any pain medication?  We were about to put our 14 year old down a few weeks ago, but the vet suggested a different pain medication, and she is enjoying life again.  I think that needs to be the big factor.  Can the vet control the pain to where he enjoys life?  Of course, one can only guess on what a dog is thinking.